So I guess a year ago today I started posting stuff on here.
It went by really fast.
I tried really hard to do a post a day, but life got in the way.
I had a pretty ridiculously crazy adventure this year.
Lost a lot, but gained so much more.
Haha had to let some cheese out ;)
A lot of venting and whining went on on this thing.
I'm greatful that I found a place to let my shit out though.
I was beginning to come undone a little.
I have a bunch of old shit bottled up, so all the new shit was starting to over flow.
So back to the ridiculously crazy adventure...
It been overall a fun time, and I can't wait for this next year.
It's going to be even crazier than ever before, since I'm going to be 21 and all.
Finally can drink legally bitches!
Let another year of random pictures, thoughts, and whole lot of bullshit commence!