Operation take The Little Mexican Troll To Work was a success.
I was hella tired, but I did it.
So basically my whole party is planned.
All I need to do now is finish inviting people, and buy the shit.
Well, and obviously set it up...but that comes later.
I've never had anything like this before, so I'm pretty excited.
I kinda want this to be epic and have too many people in the house.
I want Denise to regret making me have a party and then saying she wasn't going to pay for any of it :D
I know some pretty rowdy people who love to party, so I'm pretty sure this is going to be amazing.
She swear I'm not social and have no friends...
Too bad I have hella random friends all over the place that like being around me cause I'm loud and crazy and nice to them, and not domineering, abrasive, rude, and controlling...
I feel like this party could be the pinnacle of my life changing.
Hella corny and shit, but it's true.
I mean I've come along way from where I was and it wasn't til the other day when I truly realized it.
I have been completely clean for about 3 years.
And in the last year I have gotten over my social anxiety and agoraphobia.
I did by myself with no help from anyone.
I don't talk about it or even think about it, so the other day was the first time I really did both.
I still haven't told anyone the full story, but I will one day.
It's just too deep to tell anyone.
I should write a book, haha!
Didn't think I would get so girly in my blog...
I guess that's what happens when you decide to talk about shit.
This is where I hide my emotions and feelings now...get used to it!