Sunday, July 10, 2011

There's nothing like taking your pants off in a Wendy's bathroom to put some itch cream on your legs.
Yeah, that's what I did alright.
I have no idea why I got hives so bad.
It has never been this bad.
I went to Long's, I mean CVS, to get some Benadryl, which no one sells anymore, so I got some itch cream and was going to just do it in the car, but my dad didn't want me to.
So at lunch I had to go to the bathroom and do it.
It was pretty awkward.
It wasn't just my legs either it was my whole body that itched.
Apparently Benadryl and Tylenol aren't sold anymore cause of those damn meth addicts...thank you tweakers...thank you very much...
I had to get children's allergy medicine and take a double dose.
Apparently that's how it goes now-a-days.
I took a medicine induced nap and now I'm wide awake.
So yeah.
That was my day.

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