Tuesday, May 31, 2011

For Melissa

Yesterday I was so busy.
I like how Melissa always stays til 3 in the morning(or later) and then calls me for a ride the next day...
I do not appreciate!
Especially because she knocked over the garbage can and waited for me to trip over it so she can laugh...
What a mother effing ho!
I didn't trip over it, so ha!
I turned around and she had the dumbest smile on her face, and she starting laughing and was like, "I was smiling like that waiting for you to turn around. I was hoping you'd trip over the garbage can...I wanted to laugh at you falling."
Really Melissa....Really....

I have weird dreams...

dancing monsters animation
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
~Edgar Allen Poe

I have really creepy dreams sometimes.
Just wanted to say that...

My kryptonite

If you were wondering...
I like those thick, dimpled, dirty, tattooed, colored haired, eyelinered, pierced, light eyed boys :D
Oh, and if they have a deep man voice like Corey Taylor...it's on!
Basically any combination of those things will make me weak for a guy.
And if I ever meet a guy with all that...man...he better watch out ;)
guess prefere matt tuckbfmvand corey taylorslipknot

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Corey Taylor
What can I say he's fucking sexy!

And he has a voice I can listen to all day...
wed hit it animation

Well damn...

bikini animated gif
Don't try to snatch an Asian woman's purse...they'll suplex your ass.

Totally getting this for my kid!

So hard!

There's nothing like watching ghost shows alone at 3 in the morning.
Man I love ghost/horror shows and movies.
I'm currently watching Ghost Adventures.
I must say that the leader dude is pretty cute.
Kind of a loser, but passable :)
Wish there was a thick delicious man to cuddle with.
Not because I'm scared...just so I can cuddle :)
I'm freezing and I need some man meat to keep me warm :D

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Reality is more real in black and white."
~Octavio Paz

Just checked my grades...

I currently have a 4.0
Well, ok...only my psych grade is up so that's why, but I have good grades in my other classes.
Man, I'm such a jeanyus!!

Best outfit ever!

I like to believe last night's game was won because of my awesome outfit...

(the shorts version though)
Got this from Rosa as a graduation present :)

I tried to get the pictures I like from the book but couldn't find them :(
But here's some others from him.

The drama

Dorthea Lange.
The bottom two were shot in the Bay Area
Top right is one of her most famous.


Ansel Adams.
One of the best photographers, ever.

Saturday Shmaturday

Today feels like an inspired kind of day.
I really wish I had a digital camera still.
I only have my film camera, so I'm not sure if I'll take pictures today.
But I really want to!
I really want to take some pictures.
Preferably color, since I haven't done color in a couple years.
I do have to say black and whites are kind of better most of the time.
Especially vintage black and whites from the 50's and earlier.
There's just something about the drama a black and white gives to a picture.
Photography makes my happy :)

Awesome Cupcakes

Friday, May 27, 2011


Just got back from an amazing date with Pinky.
Tomorrow I am busy.
Well, as of now I am anyway...that might change...
This coming week is my only week to rest all summer.
After that is a mother effing 5 HOUR speech class and then working(hopefully)
Plus my photography class(obviously)

Man, but tonight was good.
Was totally saved from boredom with that date :)
P.S. For future reference, I'm an easy date...in both senses. Kidding! Or am I...But I'm easy as in I care less where we go as long as we can have a good time. Case and point: taking me to get dollar ice cream at Mickey D's and sitting in the parking lot talking is perfect. We don't even need the ice cream part...All I want is your company boo!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

This goes out to so many losers :)

*sigh*...I know too many of them...

PS in case you don't understand...see this post to understand the meaing of bitch. Hint, it's the first and third meanings...


I like how some people lied to me...
It's ok though. I know their brother is more important than me...
I have to get ready for tonight anyway...
Tonight I'm showing my portfolio, and celebrating my mom's birthday.
I am making her a triple chocolate fudge cake :)
She picked it out not me, but since I'm such an amazing cook...and daughter...I'm making it for her.
I don't know why everyone always wants a effing chocolate cake for their birthday.
I'm tired of making them haha.


I'm kinda bummed that I won't have the Puente classes anymore.
I'm going to miss everyone.
I'm going to post some pictures later...I need to steal them from Ana.

Today is...

My mom's birthday.
Also my last night of photography.
And my last day of Puente!
Man I'm so sad about those two things.
The first thing...I don't really care about.
Just kidding :)
I'm making her a delicious cake...like I do for effing everybody.


I'm going to make it fun, even though certain people are going to be assholes most likely...
Me and Melissa will make it good at least.
Cause even if she's totally insane, and psychotic...she's still our mom, and we are obligated to do something :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I feel so loved

So I went to the doctor for my foot.
Just got back.
I feel like I wasted Jessie's life :(
I did...
She gave me flowers though, and I love them :)
Whenever I get some money I'm going to get her something speckle!
Thanks for keeping me company...and pushing my fat ass around in that damn wheelchair (hearts)
Sorry you had to experience that...

One of My All Time Favorite Songs

I feel like it sums up my life :)

I'm fucking mad...

So last night I could not sleep.
I didn't fall asleep until 5 this morning.
Tell me why this morning people were singing on top of their fucking lungs.
You know I'm sleeping in the next room.
Not only that, but you know your fucking bed is on the same wall as mine, and our heads are right on the opposite sides of the thin ass wall.
But you sing hella fucking loud for a half hour anyway...

Oh, how I love Homer

"Fame was like a drug. But what was even more like a drug were the drugs."

"Books are useless! I only ever read one book, “To Kill A Mockingbird,” and it gave me absolutely no insight on how to kill mockingbirds! Sure it taught me not to judge a man by the color of his skin…but what good does *that* do me"


Tonight was a pretty good night, printing wise...
My foot was killing me the whole time, and it got even more swollen from walking and standing.
My two prints came out pretty good.
I ran out of paper, but the last print is good.
I just want to go back and burn a little bit of it.
Sorry for the darkroom lingo.


Luckily I found my old boot from when I broke my toe, so I can walk around without my foot hurting too much.
It really sucks that my foot isn't any better.
I am really impatient when I get hurt/injured.
I want it to heal already so I can get back to life.
Tomorrow I have to make an appointment for my back, so I'm just going to have my Dr. look at my foot.
Hopefully it isn't broken, cause I don't want to have to wear this ugly moon boot for a long time.
It's extremely ugly...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hope everyone is having a terrific Tuesday :)
Mine was pretty chill.
Didn't have class this morning, so I slept in.
Tonight is going to be my last night of printing for a while :'(
I am really sad about it.
Photography is my life, and that class was a way for me to not only express myself, but to just get away from the bullshit going on.
Hopefully I can get around admissions and take it in the summer.
It's a long story...


Have a wonderful night, and don't get too drunk...it is only the beginning of the week you alcoholics...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Confession 5

I can't go anywhere without hearing this song...and dammit! It grew on me.
She has a really amazing voice, and the lyrics are...familiar...
Plus she's pretty hot!
Even if it's "commercial" and "mainstream" I like it...

Clumsy or cursed?

So earlier not one, but two giant 40oz. cans of chili fell on my bare foot...
Right on the bone.
And just my luck, it wasn't the side of the can.
No, it was the only corner on a round can...
Yeah...and it fell at an angle so all 40 ounces were at the corner...
The first one fell over and landed on my foot, then the second one fell a few seconds after and hit the exact same spot.
I can't really walk on it, and I can't really move my big toe.
My foot is swollen and bruised.
Oh, and there's two lines from the cans hitting it.
I'm telling you I always get hurt in the dumbest ways.
PS I'm not crying like a little baby about it. Just thought I should tell you the amazing ability I have to get hurt in the most random, dumbest way. This whole post is sarcasm. I was laughing at myself...not crying...
This can be added to the long list of stupid injuries I have :)


Man, I didn't go to sleep until 7:30 this morning.
I took a little nap earlier.
I'm having a 24 hour sleepover ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Ah, murder and necrophilia

There's nothing like a love song about a man killing the woman he loves and then saves the corpse and has sex with it. Then she comes back from the dead and kills him and then he says sorry, and they get married...
Avenged Sevenfold - Self Titled - A Little Piece of Heaven Panel


Me and Corri were reminiscing about how I corrupted every one's mind when we were kids.
It's not my fault I wasn't sheltered at all...
I remember telling everyone about sex and all that.
I also told kids what the swear words were and how to use them.
My favorite part was making up really "scary" stories, and making my friends cry.
Man I was so demented :)
You have no idea...
Man, if I woke up with them standing around me like this...
...let's just say all 10 of us would get what we want...
I woke up to a certain ho named Melissa calling me for nothing else but a ride...
Drove her to work.
Got home and was bored.
Helped my dad do some crap around the house.
Picked up the ho Melissa.
Picked up Corri, and then went to dinner.
We had a pretty good time.
It's always fun with them.
(Too bad Jessie wasn't there (heart))
Home, and I want to go do something.
No money, no gas, and nobody to hang with.
I want a thick, delicious man to occupy my time ;)
(notice the want, not need)


So today was supposed to be the end of the world.
Ummm...We're still here...again.
I can't believe that dickface, Harold Camping, really has people believing God told him when the rapture was going to happen.
Really? I don't know who to be more ashamed of.
The people that believe him, or him.
I mean this is the fifth time he's said he knows when the world is going to end.
He was wrong in '88...He was wrong in '89...Wrong again in '92 and '94.
Why do people believe him.
Man, I feel bad for all those idiots who quit their jobs and sold everything, and gave it all to him...
Fucking ridiculous...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Don't give a fuuuuuck!!

I just want to say, if I cared that I look tore up when going into public, I wouldn't do it...
So the fact you're laughing at me doesn't bother me.
I know I look like a hot mess, and I could care less.
I'm not trying to impress anyone.
I was just tryna get some food.
I don't needa put ten pounds of makeup and dress up to do that.
Sorry I'm not an insecure little girl that needs that.

Love this picture

I really do love San Francisco though

The city is one of my favorite places to go.
I love all the things you can do there.
They have just about every culture/ethnicity/race represented in its own part of the city.
China town, Japan town, Little Italy, Little Mexico(mission)
Plus Castro!
Man I love trannies. It's no joke.
I love going to my sister's house on 5th ave., and going to my grandpa's in the mission.
Downtown is awesome.
There is way to much to list, but San Francisco is the best place ever!
I'm hell proud to be from the BAY!