Monday, October 31, 2011

My car smells like...
...thanks Melissa...


This weekend was pretty ridiculous.
There are no words for how crazy it got.
 I haven't had a weekend quite like that in a really long time.
All I can say was last night's dinner was the best tasting dinner EVER.
Oh, and fucking Tyson ruined my phone...and pants...
Mother fucker...
I don't think anyone(besides Corri) will ever understand how hard it is to tutor people when you're a little "under the weather"
Fuck man...
It was fun though.
Especially yesterday at work.....

Friday, October 28, 2011


Man, these past couple months have been crazy.
It feels kinda weird that we are about to close.
It hasn't hit me yet that I won't be working with these awesome losers anymore ;)
I'm going to miss most of them.
Apparently we are going to be BFFs legitly, but we'll see how that goes...
I hope that Tyson, Desiree, and Andrew stay in touch, because they are pretty fucking awesome.
This is hella lame and cheesy, but they've been there for me more than other people have.
Even when I get annoying as fuck.
Well at least I think I'm being annoying.
This is the last weekend working together, and then I see them Wednesday.
I mean I'm going to help with the break down of the store, so I'll see a few of them during that.
I just have mixed emotions about this shit.
On one hand I won't be as stressed out as mush as I have been, but on the other hand this job was sort of an escape(most of the time...)
I guess we'll just have to see what's next for this lady :)

Monday, October 24, 2011


I kinda hate being at school all day long.
I mean sometimes it's alright, but not when I'm exhausted...
Work was boring today.
Then after work, Corri and I went to PetSmart while waiting for Melissa.
I was so close to buying a snake, then a lizard, and then a hamster.
Fuck they were all hella cute!
Oh and then there was a turtle trying to walk through the glass to get me...
I wanted him too.
We got Melissa and then went to dinner in good ol' San Pablo, my hometown :)
Then I cut and dyed Corri's hair.
It's pretty fucking amazing, but then again I might be a little bias...

Workedy work

So I am at work, and it's kinda slow.
I was skimming my blog a little, and I noticed I talk a lot.
I feel like I'm boring you guys with my bullshit.
I honestly don't talk about most of this in real life, so I guess this is my way of venting or something.
I really liked the older posts when I was hella bored putting up random pictures, music, and comments on life.
I have been so busy though, I don't really have time to do that.
I am trying to keep my word and put at least a post up every day, but that's even hard to do sometimes.
Urg, there's just so much shit happening right now.
Hopefully when Halloween is over I'll have more time to make the blog better.
Soon my babies soon...

Midnight Excursions

Man, I love going to an all night diner and just fuckin around.
I mean we order and everything so we're not just sitting there, but normally we spend a couple hours just talking and joking.
I think that's the best kind of relationship to have.
One where you can go to some random ass spot and just talk and have fun.
Thank God for these people I have to cheer me up.
We were in IHOP for like 2 and a half hours just now being dumb.
I'm content now.
Oh, and by "we" I mean my sister and whoever we bring with us, normally Corri...

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Why is it when I look like garbage dudes be tryna jock my shit.
Haha, no but foreal, whenever I look/feel like garbage that's when dudes get at me, and when I look cute I don't get any play.
What the fuck...
(above is a joke for you people who can't tell)
So right now there are a few dudes trying to get at me.
The thing is I really like this one dude, but I don't know how he feels.
It's a weird relationship we have.
I can't really explain it, but I fucking care about him just as a person, like a friend not even some fucking love interest.
That's saying a lot too.
For me, it's really hard to let people into my life and feel shit for them.
So letting this person into my life feels kinda weird, especially cause I kinda like him :)
Urg I don't know...
Oh, and one of the dudes, tryna get at me, asked me out tonight.
I'm so fucking torn with this shit.
I have never been in this position.
I mean I want to be cool with the one that asked me out, and I don't even know him like that to say whether or not I'd date him.
I mean he's nice and pretty cute, but that's not what I'm looking for, entirely...I need substance :D
There is so much detail to this whole situation I can't even being to put in a post.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bad shit/Good shit

So my nice, relaxing day of catching up on my shit was ruined...
Denise calls me and was like,  "I need you to come to work right now...Get Corri and get here as soon as possible..."
Hella serious.
I guess she forgot to put Corri and I on the schedule, and she needed us hella bad.
I had to hop in the shower and get ready hella fast, then swoop by and get Corri, go to BART and rush to get there.
When we got there, there was hella people working.
I was like the fuck did we needa come in for...
It was a good night though.
I had fun with Tyson, Corri, and Andrew on the way home...but I always do...
Theyz my partnas foreal though.
Now I have to wake up in 4 hours to open the damn store.
How amazing right...
All in all it was a good night with some good ass people.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Getting off

So today was the first day off I have had in like three months.
It feels good to be able to sleep in, and have time to myself.
Granted I had to clean and do laundry, but I still got to be at home and do basically nothing.
Didn't have to deal with any one's bullshit, or anyone talking shit to me about whatever they are talking about.
I got to kind of clear my head.
It was ridiculously boring though.
Oh well, I can't complain.

Best ever



I effing love her!


Reminds me of some people...

too bad its not in a good way

Stupid brain

So I did manage to go to sleep after my last post; however, I totally just woke up and am wide awake :(
There is nothing to do at this damn house!
I am so bored!
I kinda wish I had that one person to talk to all night, or at least someone new to talk to all night :)
I guess I'm just going to have to be a lonely old hag that almost gets the guy, until my craziness messes it up...
Oh woah, how'd it get there?!
Don't ask I'm a little delirious...

I am the best friend a person can have!

So I should be trying to sleep right now.
I have to be awoken by certain people at 6 something so I can print their Anthro test for them, so they can take it early, because they have an orientation.
I am such a good person for letting my day off be ruined, so they don't get an F.
Am I right?
Plus I am cutting AND dying their hair when they get off of work.
For free...
Pfffffft! They're lucking to have me in their life!!
By the way, I'm totally being sarcastic :D

I wuv you Snugzy!

Open for interpretation...

I (heart) pinups :)

Dita Von Teese is pretty amazing to my life.


Melissa and I are finally going to join the gym.
I've been wanting to for hella long now, and she finally wants to.
We finna get our shit in shape, and be even more delicious than we already are!

Heavy thoughts?

It really sucks losing someone you thought was going to be in your life for a long time, if not forever.
That is the exact reason I don't get close to people.
I hate when people get hella close and then just abandon me like I wasn't shit to them.
It's good though, because I have made hella good friends these past couple months.
I am still making friends with new people as well.
Apparently I'm a hot commodity even.
There's a few dudes tryna get at me at both my jobs.
Well, my other job not so much dudes as chicks, and apparently I can't talk to the dudes anymore cause they all think I like them...
That's another subject though.
I just feel kind of shitty losing a really close friend, but I guess they had to go to make room for the three new ones I have? Who knows.
I'm liking where I'm at right now, with the exception of this weekend...and yesterday...those were all bad, and I extremely regret BOTH of them.
Well I guess that's it for now...
Keep your head high :)
(I love being corny)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Song of the Day

This song has a lot of meaning to me.
It's one of my favorites, and it never gets old.
It's just one of those songs...


So apparently I can't be nice anymore, or talk to anyone ever again.
I'm just going to be mad at the world, and go back in my shell.
I mean people keep mistaking my being nice as my coochie being open for business.
I mean I guess I can understand the correlation, but damn that's not the case...
I mean I'm thankful the dudes today were pretty alright looking.
Well one was, and the other was pretty cute.
He had dimples though, so you know I'm was a sucker for them :)
Dimples is coming back on Wednesday too apparently.
He really spent an hour with me just hanging out, after I helped him.
I guess we'll see wasup with it.
He wanted me to go to Merced with him.
After like 30 minutes of tutoring him, haha.
Why am I so lovable?!
These people need to stop falling in love with me ;)

What can I say...

I'm an effing hopeless romantic deep inside.
I want this one day.
I mean you can see the sickening love permeating through their faces.

Old new beginnings

So apparently I'm a stoner, and I broke my phone perkin' at BART.
Just wanted to put that out there...
PS my BFFsie Desireé is hella awesome :)
I (heart) her

Parties, drama, and BFFsies...

So this weekend was ridiculous.
It was an emotional roller coaster to say the least...
I mean I'm good, but all this high school-esque bullshit is dumb.
So  I went to Denise's Halloween party.
I went with Desireé, her friend Conner, and Corri.
We were having hella fun.
After dropping them off at BART I was informed that one of Melissa's friends told Drew that I was hella up in his shit or something.
("Up in his shit" means I hella like him by the way...)
Apparently Melissa told her friend I was tryna talk to him, so she couldn't kick it with him...
Cause that makes so much sense.
Too bad I'm not, and now it's hella awkward.
Fuck, I hella just wanted him to be a homeboy or something, nothing more...
Now I don't even know.
It's whatever though...I have to just suck it up like I always do.
So I'm not going to talk about feelings and shit anymore.
I'm in a pretty good mind set right now.
I don't need my oats broken again. (Inside joke)

Friday, October 14, 2011

My pants are wet...

I don't understand how the monitor isn't exploding because of too much deliciousness.
I don't understand how the camera didn't explode either.
These are the most deliciousest men EVER!!
gosh i wonder how that happened


I have good people in my life, which I needed for a long time...
I hope those few that I just became cool with stick around for awhile ;)
But anyway, today was a good day.
I bought Melissa and Mom dinner, and we got to hang out.
That NEVER happens...EVER!
Apparently not seeing me for a week made my parents semi-care about how I am.
I guess that's better than nothing right?
My mom is even contemplating coming to visit me at my job one day...
I cannot wait til Saturday!
This party is going to be off the fucking hook!
Melissa's costume is the BEST costume I have ever heard of!
Mine is going to be cute...even though I wanted scary...but it's good.
We are going to get crazy.
I don't think these people are ready for us...

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Just a quick post for tonight.
I have midterms all day tomorrow.
And if you dropped out at 14 like Drew...those are tests that are given mid semester to see where you're at, basically.
I (heart) you Andy :P
Speaking of dicks, I closed with Drew and Tyson.
They are hella dumb :)
Had a pretty good drive home with them, even though I didn't get my own's good though, I shared with Tyson.
So now I smell like weed, and I'm hella tired.
Today was pretty good :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So...I just spent the last hour and a half "fixing" this mother fucking paper.
I like how there are five of us hustlin' to finish our essays before class...
The life of college students I guess.
I can't wait to celebrate this shit with a dinner with these awesome peoples :D
Plus I can't wait to get shitfaced and the party Saturday.
I need that after those fucking midterms I have Thursday...
Man, this week sucks so far :(
Well, I guess til later...
Lol...white people :D

BLAH!! o___O

Just finished my paper...
Shit dude, that sucked.
5 and a half hours a slaving over it and I'm done.
I just have to do that dumb peer review shit and I'm officially done with it.
I know this paper isn't up to my immaculate writing standards :) but I don't give a fuck!
I hated the topic, and had to force myself to write it.
Anyway I'm off to bed.
Have class at the butt crack of dawn :(
I'm so tired and disoriented...

Monday, October 10, 2011

There are no words...

...for how much I am completely infatuated with this delicious man...
Borderline in love ;)

It's raining today

raining Pictures, Images and Photos

Unwelcome back...

So I'm officially home now.
I got home last night, but I was super busy and couldn't post anything.
Man, I didn't go to sleep til like 3 I think.
This weekend was awkward, crazy, and fun.
Apparently Drew and I are BFFsies now...
So much happened this weekend, and I can't put it all in one post.
Well I can, but it'll be hella long, and I won't do that to you.
Last night I went to Decompression though.
I'm not completely sure, but I think it was a date...with a chick...
I mean I had a good time, but I've never had a legit date with a female before.
By the way, for people who don't know, Decompression is basically the after party for Burning man.
If you don't know what Burning man is, then your super lame ;)
There is no way of describing what it's like there.
It's just something you have to go and experience for yourself.
I was ear raped and groped 3 times....that was awkward.
I hate people I don't know like that touching me.
I mean it didn't bother me too much, but fuck it was weird haha.
Ok, so I feel like this is enough talking...for now...I'll bore you some more later when I start procrastinating writing my paper due tomorrow :D

Friday, October 7, 2011


As you know I live in the city on the weekends.
And as you know I don't have internet there :(
Since it is Friday that means I am leaving for the city in a little bit.
I'm not sure when I'll be back, but it'll either be Saturday or Sunday night.
So I hope there's enough bullshit to tide you over for a couple days.
Til next time...

I miss

I totally miss Daria.
I watched that show every day when I was little.
I remember wanting to be like her.
I totally had the hugest crush on Trent.
I wanted that skinny ass stoner to my self :)

A Buttload of Sick (Custom) Vans

Awesomest :D

Song of the Day

This goes out to a certain person ;)

Drugs do wonders...

So I just realized that the reason why I have been in such a good mood lately might possibly be because I have been taking my pills again...
I mean I literally just realized this right now.
Like I'm eating oatmeal and texting someone, and was thinking about how it's been an amazing few days.
Then I was like, "I have been taking my meds for the past few days...could it be the reason for my level mood?"
Then the dimly lit light bulb went off :)
Just kidding my light bulb is one of those flood lights :D

Something you didn't know

Little known fact.
Samantha likes stickers...especially the smelly kind :)
(I've always wanted to talk in the third person like a common day asshole. Success.)

Today was a day...

Today I woke up in a hella good mood.
It might be partly because I didn't have to pry myself out of bed for a class I fucking hate...
I just am in a really good place right now.
Besides the mother fuckers I live with, I'm surrounded by really good people...for once.
I like this.
I mean I wish some friends didn't try to fucking passive aggressively tell me my shit sucks, but it's all good, I'm not butt hurt or anything...
It's just irritating that someone you thought could be up front with you has to pussyfoot around shit.
But that says something about their character not mine, and I'm good with it.
I see them for it.
I'm going to hang out with Art, the customer-now friend.
I'm pretty excited.
He wants me to invite Andrew and Sean too.
That'll be interesting...Three dudes and one girl...hmmmm...just how I like it muahahahaha!
But yeah. Today was a pretty good day.
Oh! I totally forgot!
I got my hair cut :)
I think it's pretty delicious.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Song of the Day

Nothing can explain this song...except it slaps :)
It's just for Corri. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!

No words...

You know that feeling when your heart beats a little faster, and you have little butterflies in your stomach, and the world looks like a better place(even if it's raining), and everything seems like it'll be alright, and you have a smile that isn't normally painted on your face in the same way.
Like a permanent insignia of how you're really feeling.
That's how I feel right now.
I don't know what this is, and I've never felt it before.
I think I like it though.
I really like it.

Fucking Amazing

I had an extremely good day today.
Granted there was a little bump in the road, it ended up being a good day.
I got some around 12:30, after closing with Corri and Andrew.
So let me do a semi-full recap:
(Warning: this is going to be long)
Woke up on time when my alarm went off at thing I know I'm waking up again at 10...yeah...
I was like, "Fuck, I guess I'm not going to class...again."
Got up and had breakfast(for once) and got ready for work.
Went to my first job and did nothing...
Then I went and did some adult shit, and handled some bidness.
Went home and got changed for my other job.
I made myself look hella cute!
After that, I headed over to BART to go to my second job.
Had to meet Corri at the Plaza, so I got on the first train.
While waiting for it, this dude sat next to me and kept looking over and smiling.
(He was pretty cute...)
I think he didn't talk to me cause I had my ear buds in.
So we get on the same train and he goes into the next car, but as he does he stops and looks back at me hella cheesin and keeps walking.
Then this dude across from me stared and smiled at me the whole time I was on the train.
I guess I was lookin hella delicious.
I get to work, and Denise is happy my hair isn't "fucking ugly" anymore, but I "still need to cut that dead shit off" or whatever she said.
I found out today was Mikey's last day.
I hooked him and Sean up.
I made a friend with a customer, and I'm so excited to hang out with him this week.
He seems really cool.
So going home me and Corri decide we want to get some drinks, but then we realized we're both hella starving.
So we instead went to Mel's and saw our favorite waitress.
Then I got home and did my night time shits.
I also realized I don't have Sociology in the morning, so I'm pretty stoked to FINALLY sleep in.
I'm also getting my hair cut tomorrow.

That was my day in a nutshell.
I didn't talk about the bump because I don't want to get upset over it right now.
Things are good right now, and I'm pretty content with it :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oh yeah!

I totally forgot that I dyed my hair last night.
I don't think I mentioned that yet :)
I dyed it black on the crown, and purple on the rest.
It's looks pretty amazing, and I've been getting compliments all day.
I'm pretty satisfied with the results...
Now all I have to do is go get it cut on Thursday, and I'm good.

Got some shits today

I went to Kmart in between classes today, and got some cool shits.
First, I got some OG shoes.
I've been wanting some for so long now.
They're girl ones, but I still like them.
Then, as I was checking out I saw the movie I was just talking about.
The mother fucking Evil Dead.
Chea booooy!
I bought that shit for 5 dolla.