Thursday, May 5, 2011


Normally when people see me I'm "on".
Meaning I'm on a high and I'm being stupid and funny or whatever I'm doing...
And high as the "medical" term being a good mood, not the other high...
But with me I have really high highs, and extremely low lows.
It's pretty hard for me to get in a low, but when I do...shit man...
I guess that's why people don't understand when I'm in one, because normally I'm joking and being dumb.
I try not to let it show or affect me, but sometimes things just get overwhelming.
And I hate talking about feelings and emotions, so I don't let them out.
They just get suppressed and bottled up.
I guess all I'm trying to say is this week kind of overwhelmed me, and I have a lot of shit bottled up that wants to come bursting out, but I'm not going to let it.
...told you I was going to be an emo little bitch for a couple days...
Suck it.

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