Saturday, January 7, 2012

Oh poop.

I have been had 3 ailments in the last 2 weeks.
I have been sick since the Friday before Christmas.
It's pretty lame.
I was better for a couple days(New Year's Eve and Day), but then I spent three days with Sarah who was/is really sick.
I caught a sickness from her, which I found out today is a lung infection.
I'm not mad or trippin off it.
I just reeeeeeeally want to stop coughing.
The muscles in my throat and lungs hurt like a mother, but it is way better than strep throat at least.
I think I might have to go to minor injury to get checked out this weekend since I don't have a doctor.
The only reason I say I might have to go is because the coughs are getting progressively worse.
I'm taking a bunch off cough meds and they aren't working at all.
Plus I'm eating cough drops like it's nobodies business.
I'm going to be so happy when I'm healthy, and get to finally rest before starting a very hectic semester.

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